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Scotland Mission Trip

This trip is catered to those with specific skills in construction as we seek to build new infrastructure for our mission partner, Young Life Scotland. Previously, we built a kitchen for Young Life Scotland’s camp, which allows them to offer meals for the kids who come to camp to hear the Gospel. Through future construction projects, we will get to love our Scottish brothers and sisters in a way that will have long-term impact, as well as get to know more about their culture and church history. We will make a direct impact on the Young Life camp and our work will allow them to better serve local students in a more functional environment. Click here to learn more!

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DATE: Monday, July 15, 10:00 A.M. to noon LOCATION: Eleos Coffee House, 3401 Independence Ave, Kansas City, MO 64124 Eleos is a coffeehouse that is a catalyst for community transformation by hosting Bible studies and meeting physical needs in their low-income neighborhood. We will be helping them paint in the coffee shop, and possibly outside in the neighborhood.