Join us this Sunday at our new service times: 7:50, 9:15, and 11:10 A.M.

Welcome Home

Your Walk with Jesus Starts at Journey Church International

SUNDAYS AT 7:50, 9:15, AND 11:10 A.M.

Worship, Learn, and Find Community

Journey Church International offers several ways for you to experience God’s presence every day of the week. Whether you want to visit our church in Lee’s Summit on Sundays or watch the latest messages online whenever, we invite you to join in our community that stretches all across the globe and connect with Jesus.

Plan a Visit

Get ready to join us this Sunday at 7:50, 9:15, or 11:10 A.M.

Get Directions

We invite you to come as you are.

Stream Live

Tune in to Sunday services from anywhere in the world.

Watch Past Messages

Catch up on previous sermons from Journey Church International.


Great! When you visit us, be sure to turn your hazards on in our parking lot to get a great parking spot!

Small Commitment. Big Impact.

In a world full of distractions and competing priorities, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. That’s why our entire church is committed to surrendering 1% more of our lives to serving Jesus and others in 2025.

By dedicating just 1% more of your life – whether it’s time, resources, money, or energy – to spending time with Jesus, you have the potential to ignite a Kingdom movement within yourself, your family, and our community.

Learn more about the different ways you can surrender 1% more of your life to Christ and join the movement.

Take Your Next Step with Growth Track

At Journey Church International, we believe we’re all created by God to fulfill a specific purpose. Growth Track is a monthly process that aims to help you discover your unique design, develop your spiritual gifts, and make a difference in the lives of others. If you’re looking to experience both Journey and Jesus on a deeper level, this is a great place to start!

Other Next Steps at Journey

Your faith is a lifelong journey. Whether you’ve grown up in the church or you’re learning about Jesus for the first time, everyone has a next spiritual step. We want to help you move forward and equip you with opportunities to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, while also connecting with other like-minded followers of Christ. How will you get involved at Journey Church International?


As Christians, we’re called to love God, love our neighbors, and make disciples of all nations. But in order to fulfill our calling, we also must focus on strengthening our own faith. Journey Church International offers ministries and programs for individuals at every age and stage of life, including kids, students, young adults, and adults.

Impact Opportunities

We may be a church in Lee’s Summit, but it’s our goal to have a lasting impact both in our community and around the world. We’re constantly seeking out ways to serve and spread God’s love wherever we go. Check out our current impact opportunities and discover how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus on behalf of Journey.




God intended for us to do life together. That’s why we put an emphasis on building community and enjoying fellowship with one another. We take it beyond Sunday services and encourage Christ followers to learn from each other and grow their faith through small groups. With group options for men, women, couples, and parents, there’s a place for everyone.

Care Groups

Our Care Groups are designed to provide hope and support through life’s difficult seasons. Regardless of what you may be going through, we want to provide you with an environment where you can be fully known and fully loved without judgment or shame.

Current Series

Deep & Wide

In our current sermon series, Deep & Wide: The Hard Work and Heart Work of Spiritual Growth & Impact, we’ll be journeying through Acts 18 how to grow in our faith. We will look at examples given through Paul and the church of Acts.  

It’s All About Jesus

Journey Church International is a non-denominational church in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. But we’re more than a Christian church; we’re one for you — the same way God is for you. 

Since 2011, we’ve existed to see people far from God become passionate Christians who make a difference in the world. Everything we do as a church is motivated by our six core beliefs in generosity, spiritual growth, global impact, community impact, sharing Jesus, and multiplication.

A diverse group of individuals and families from all walks of life attend Journey Church International, and together, we make up a church family enthusiastic about living more like Jesus. We know the best is yet to come.

What’s Coming Up at Journey Church International

We have all kinds of events that help you further develop your faith and find community among other believers. See what we’ve got going on, and register now for upcoming events.

Easter at Journey

Join us for Easter at Journey! See our service times listed below....


Easter at Journey

Join us for Easter at Journey! See our service times listed below....


Easter at Journey

Join us for Easter at Journey! See our service times listed below....


Easter at Journey

Join us for Easter at Journey! See our service times listed below....


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