Message: “A Vision for Who We Eat With” from Marcellus Casey

Christian Newsome - June 23, 2024

Three Unlikely Converts

Pastor Christian discusses the stories of Ananias, Tabitha, and Cornelius, who were unlikely converts in the early Jesus movement. Ananias was a paralyzed man healed by Peter, leading many to believe in the Lord. Tabitha, a disciple known for her good works, was raised from the dead by Peter, resulting in even more people coming to faith. Cornelius, a Roman soldier stationed in Israel, discovered the one true God and became the first non-Jewish Christian. Pastor Christian emphasizes the importance of being open to God's movement, showing vulnerability, and recognizing and accepting authority in our lives. He encourages the audience to learn from these stories and apply them to their own faith journey.

Scripture References: Acts 9:32-8

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