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Message: “Ananias & Sapphira” from Christian Newsome

A message from the series “Growing Pains.” Pastor Christian explores the story of Ananias and Sapphira from Acts chapter 5 as an example of the challenges and negative aspects of spiritual growth. He introduces a new sermon series called “Growing Pains,” which will delve into the importance of having a deep spiritual commitment and being aware of the spiritual battles taking place in one’s life. Ananias and Sapphira, members of the early Christian church, are presented as individuals motivated by their reputation and self-interest, who lied about the sale of their property and donated only a portion of the proceeds to the apostles. Their deceit led to their sudden deaths, serving as a reminder of the seriousness of living in accordance with God’s will and the consequences of disobedience. Pastor Christian also discusses the historical context of God’s kingdom movements on Earth, connecting the Old and New Covenants and emphasizing the importance of recognizing God’s attempts to get our attention when we stray from His will. He encourages listeners to reflect on their own spiritual lives, emphasizing the importance of repentance and the potential consequences of unrepentant sin.

Message: “Every City… Every Sunday: Easter at Journey” from Christian Newsome

A message from the series “Standalone Messages.” During our Easter service, Pastor Christian discusses the significance of Easter and the importance of understanding the Easter message every day of one’s life. The early Christian church and the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection are also explored. The concepts of special and general Revelation and God’s forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrifice are discussed. Pastor Christian reflects on the value of specific moments during the Easter story, such as Jesus’ cry of despair on the cross and His resurrection. The congregation is encouraged to let go of their burdens and trust Jesus, with baptism being introduced as a metaphorical way to start anew. The resurrection is emphasized as a source of hope and proof of life after death.

Message: “The Barnabas Effect” from Christian Newsome

A message from the series “The Power and the Pressure of a Jesus Movement.” In the “The Barnabas Effect” Pastor Christian explores the significance of the Hebrew words “hallelujah” and “Hosanna” during Palm Sunday celebrations and encourages spiritual patience and trust in God’s way and timing. He also shares anecdotes about the unity and generosity of the early Christian church in Acts 4, emphasizing the importance of stewardship and evangelism from a Hebrew perspective. Pastor Christian encourages listeners to reflect on their belongings and their role in sharing the gospel, emphasizing the importance of baptism as a public declaration of faith. He also encourages putting others first, inspired by the character of Barnabas, and living a life focused on the Kingdom of God.

Message: “Even Though… There Is” from Christian Newsome

A message from the series “The Power and the Pressure of a Jesus Movement.” Pastor Christian encourages attendees to trust in God’s sovereignty and His plan, even during difficult times. He discusses the historical pattern of opposition towards the people of God throughout the Bible and emphasizes the importance of faithfulness and trust in God’s control. Pastor Christian also reflects on the concept of God’s sovereignty and how it applies to the question of why bad things happen to good people. He encourages the audience to reframe their perspective and emphasizes the importance of love, connection, and gentle truth in engaging with culture. The video concludes with an invitation for attendees to trust in God’s control.

Message: “The Power of Observation” from Christian Newsome

A message from the series “The Power and the Pressure of a Jesus Movement.” Pastor Christian Newsome continues in our series moving through Acts 3 and 4. He discusses the significance of observation in understanding the faith of Christians. He references the story of Peter and John in Acts 4, who boldly proclaimed their faith despite being charged not to speak in Jesus’ name. Pastor Christian emphasizes that people are always observing a Christian’s life to understand their faith in God. He encourages Christians to live in such a way that their enemies cannot find anything negative to say about Jesus. He also discusses the importance of spiritual boldness in sharing Christian beliefs with gentleness and respect, drawing on the example of Paul’s approach to sharing the gospel in Athens and Corinth. Additionally, he reflects on the importance of demonstrating the healing power of Jesus through apologizing and forgiving, and encourages the audience to help those in need and live a life that clearly shows the transformative power of Jesus. Pastor Christian concludes by praying for God’s help in recognizing His presence in their lives and making them whole.

Message: “The Question of Salvation” from Christian Newsome

A message from the series “The Power and the Pressure of a Jesus Movement.” Pastor Christian continues in our series, The Power and the Pressure of the Jesus Movement. He emphasizes the importance of turning conversations into conversations about salvation and uses the example of Peter in the Bible. Pastor Christian also explores the role of the High Priestly family in connecting people to God and the significance of Peter’s message about salvation as eternal life. He encourages listeners to reflect on their personal salvation experiences and the importance of adding new members to the Kingdom of God. He emphasizes that salvation begins with confession and forgiveness and encourages listeners not to base their salvation on their current sanctification. He also shares examples of outreach efforts and encourages listeners to live on mission for Jesus.

Message: “A Sermon That Will Get You Arrested” from Marcellus Casey

A message from the series “The Power and the Pressure of a Jesus Movement.” Marcellus Casey, one of our teaching pastors and Kansas City Chiefs Chaplin, continues week two of our series, The Power and the Pressure of a Jesus Movement. He draws parallels between the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah and the apostle Peter, emphasizing the importance of faithfully delivering God’s truth revealing the power of God and the necessity of repentance. Peter, like Jeremiah, faced opposition and persecution for speaking the truth, which included healing a man in Jesus’ name and urging people to refocus their allegiance to God. Marcellus encourages listeners to embrace the challenge of delivering uncomfortable truths and to seek God’s guidance rather than idolizing individuals. Additionally, he shares a personal story of witnessing genuine repentance and emphasizes the power and importance of repentance and seeking forgiveness for sins, which is available to everyone.

Message: “The Power and the Pressure” from Marcellus Casey

A message from the series “The Power and the Pressure of a Jesus Movement.” This Sunday we were joined by Marcellus Casey, Chaplin for the Kansas City Chiefs. Marcellus discusses the importance of recognizing God’s power and presence in our lives in the face of adversity. Using biblical examples, he encourages regular prayer and touching lives physically and spiritually to bring about deeper redemption and healing. He shares a personal experience of renewing his marriage through daily touch and affirmation from The Word and encourages listeners to consider how God may want to recreate or redeem someone through their presence and prayers. Overall, the message emphasizes the power of God to transform lives and calls believers to live in the power of Jesus’ name and the Holy Spirit.

Message: “The Oregon Trail” from Christian Newsome

A message from the series “Consecrated.” Pastor Christian explores the connection between the early Christian community and the modern-day church, drawing parallels from the book of Acts. He emphasizes the importance of vertical and horizontal connections, both between individuals and God and within the community. He encourages churches to reflect on the ancient, kingdom way of living, with a focus on prayer, devotion to the apostles’ teachings, and living for one another. Pastor Christian also emphasizes the role of the church in supporting individuals and preventing loneliness through spiritual community. He encourages listeners to adopt practices such as daily Scripture reading and regular prayer to align more closely with the ancient way. He also encourages believers to defend God’s mission and help others see its benefits.