Message: “Painful Progress” from Christian Newsome

Marcellus Casey - April 21, 2024


Marcellus Casey, one of our teaching pastors and Kansas City Chief's Chaplin continues in our Growing Pains Series. He shares personal stories and biblical references to encourage the audience to remain open to God's work during periods of waiting, anger, and persecution. He discusses the importance of understanding historical contexts and the power of God's grace and compassion. Marcellus uses examples from the Bible to illustrate the consequences of waiting and acting in one's own way. He also shares his own experiences of football and financial struggles to emphasize the rewards of perseverance and faithfulness. Throughout the message, Marcellus encourages the audience to share their faith, trust in God's power, and find joy in the challenges they face for His name.

Scripture References: Acts 5:29-42

From Series: "Growing Pains"

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