Our youth group in Lee’s Summit exists to see students far from God become passionate Christians who make a difference in the world. Although the format of our Student Night is slightly different each week, we always focus on three primary components: experiencing through corporate worship, equipping through biblical teaching, and engaging in small groups. Why? Because when you’re here, we want you to deepen your relationship with Jesus while fostering connections with other like-minded believers.
“Our Student Ministry exists to see students who are far from God become passionate Christians who make a difference in the world.”
Middle School: 6:15 P.M.
High School: 7:15 P.M.
Journey Church International
1601 SW State Route 150
Lee's Summit, MO 64078
There’s a lot to look forward to when you attend Student Night! Each week, we set up games and give students some time to hang out and enjoy community with one another. After that, we kick off our service with engaging worship and a group message that’s tailored to your student’s grade level (middle school and high school). Our large group service is followed by small group time, where your student will have the opportunity to engage with peers in their small group and discuss questions related to that night’s message.
We’d love to meet you! Fill out a Connection Card if you haven’t already, and stop by our Student Ministry table in the Atrium when you’re here. See you soon!
We also offer Sunday morning discipleship group opportunities for students who are looking to dive deeper into their faith. These groups are great for students wanting to strengthen their walk with Christ and seeking to learn how to live out their faith in day-to-day life. We have classes for middle and high school students. Both classes happen during the 11:00 A.M. service each Sunday.
For students who want to go even deeper in their faith walk, we offer a program called Student Ambassadors. The goal of Student Ambassadors is to build up followers of Christ to foster their strengths and spiritual gifts and to teach them to become disciples who make disciples. The Student Ambassador program teaches students leadership skills, takes them deeper in their own faith, and provides them with additional meeting and serving opportunities.
Middle and high school students can be a part of this program. As a Student Ambassador, students will utilize their positions at school and in the community to recruit others to be on mission for Christ, walking alongside them in their journey and building up a team to chase after Him. Any student who wants to explore a call to ministry would be a great candidate for Student Ambassadors.
Have you recently committed your life to Christ? Are you ready to take your spiritual next step and get baptized? We believe in baptism by immersion because that’s how Jesus was baptized. We’d love to talk to you more and help you announce your faith in front of family, friends, and your church community. You can choose to be baptized on Sunday morning, on Wednesday evening, or at one of our special baptism events.
God has given us all unique gifts to serve others and shine His light. At Journey Church International, we have multiple ways students can use their talents to share Jesus both inside and outside our church walls. From joining our Student Worship Team or living out the Gospel through local and global outreach projects, we offer all kinds of opportunities for students to make a difference as a follower of Christ.
Join our entire Student Ministry team as we read through the New Testament in 2024. We’ll be discussing our reading during small group time each week, so make sure you follow along with us. Download a digital copy of our plan today, or ask any Student Ministry team member (staff or volunteer) for a printed version whenever you’re at our church in Lee’s Summit.
Make sure you and your family are up to date on everything going on with our Student Ministry. Our Journey Students Parent Partnership Facebook group gives parents a space to connect with each other and our ministry’s leaders. Our youth group in Lee’s Summit is also on Instagram and YouTube; follow us, so you don’t miss out on any of the latest news and happenings.