Message: “The Need For Faith” from Christian Gracia

Christian Gracia - December 3, 2023

The Need For Faith

Guest speaker, Pastor Christian Gracia, vists from King's City Church in Las Veagas and brings a message of faith. He reflects on Mary and Joseph leading up to the birth of Jesus. Pastor Christian emphasizes the importance of faith in a weary world and encourages the congregation to have hope and faith in their own lives. He uses the journey of Mary and Joseph as an example and emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's plan, even when we cannot see everything. He acknowledges the difficulties faced by Christians in guiding their children along the path of full-time ministry and emphasizes the importance of understanding and trusting God's plan not just for themselves but with the Children's lives.

Scripture References: Luke 2:1-7

From Series: "The Weary World Rejoice"

This is the Advent series that will carry us all the way through Christmas.

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