Child Sponsorship

Change a Child’s Life and Help Them Know Jesus

God bestows spiritual gifts on all of us, so we can use them to serve others and build up His Kingdom. In the Scriptures, we’re told that these gifts include ministries that help and provide guidance — faith, healing, teaching, compassion, charity, and more.

God doesn’t want us to hide or misuse these gifts. The Parable of the Talents in the Book of Matthew teaches us that we’re to grow and make the most of the gifts we’ve been given to honor God. We’re entrusted with no more talents and abilities than God knows we can handle, but as we deepen our faith and fully commit our hearts to His will, we’re presented with even more blessings to continue bringing glory to His name.

But how do we use our gifts wisely? At Journey Church International, we provide church service opportunities that allow each member of our congregation to develop and showcase their God-given talents. Whether you’re interested in serving in our church, around the Kansas City community, or across the globe, we have a myriad of ways to help you live out your calling how God intended.

Sponsoring a child is only $35/month!