Grow Deeper in Gospel Knowledge Through the Book of Romans

Welcome! The videos below are recordings of our ladies’ Romans study group messages. These teachings are meant to accompany the Romans study from Daily Grace Co. If you have any questions about this and other groups, you can reach out to Pastor Garrett Lahey, our Discipleship Associate Director.

Providing Soul Care

Lead by Example

Taking care of your own  soul is foundational to leading a healthy group. Your daily walk with Jesus is the place from which great ministry overflows into the hearts and lives of those in your group. Our vision is that your group is one that demonstrates great care and mobilizes others to care for each other. We also want you to know the spiritual condition of those in your group so that you can provide specific encouragement for them to maintain a healthy walk with Jesus.

Leading Different Personalities

Value Unique Perspectives

Sometimes it can be a challenge to lead a group when you have a lot of different personalities in the room. This section is designed to help you as the group leader guide your group members in such a way that their unique strengths and perspectives contribute to the group’s success. When the whole group is successful, each person feels cared for individually.

Shepherding Your Group Well

Helpful Tips for Group Leaders

The ability to foster close relationships and shepherd others well is critical for every small group leader. The primary reasons people join a church group, besides for spiritual growth, is to build new friendships and form new bonds. As group leaders, you are the catalyst of these relationships and have the unique opportunity to bring people together.

Navigating Conflict

Helpful Tips for Group Leaders

There will be disagreements and tension from time to time, and as a small group leader, it’s your responsibility to help those in your group navigate through those conflicts in a healthy, respectful way. Here, we share a few tips for you as group leaders to turn conflict into something that strengthens the relationships in your group.